Sperling Audio

Wir wünschen allen frohe und gesegnete Weihnachten. Möge das Jahr 2025 Frieden bringen und die Verantwortlichen zur Vernunft kommen lassen. Alles Gute und vor allem Gesundheit für das kommende Jahr !


Everything is music and music is everything!

Between sounds and people, there is a special connection. The human ear is one of the first fully functionally organs in the womb. And it is also the last organ that surrenders after death. According to far-eastern religious philosophy, we exist, the world exists and the universe exists as a collection of sound. During the experience of sound, in other words listening, innumerable vegetative and energetic processes occur within us. When we enjoy music, we can experience extreme relaxation or extreme excitement. This is our vision for Sperling-Audio and the conception for our devices and the development of this binding process between our craft (our abilities) and our music (our passion). Motor Housing M-1Motor Housing M-1 with Power Supply Unit NRM-1/SMotor Housing MR-1Model MR-1 with the Power Supply Unit NM-1Power Supply Unit NRM-1 We have strived for the development of the most up-scale precision audio systems. Our emphasis has always been on devices for analogue music reproduction. The basis for work at Sperling-Audio was guided from the very beginning by two principles: 1. Music is everything. 2. Thoughts are free. The consequences and results of this belief are hand-made analogue, acoustic systems of the highest quality, whose development and material costs were always subject to our philosophy. At the same time, innovation is awarded the highest priority: freedom of thought means leaving the well-trodden path while developing new products and to conceive every component anew. In this way, every device from Sperling-Audio is born of the same portion of pioneering spirit as the sound of the system that makes it so unique. This you can see and hear and in the end, it’s the only thing that really matters. The most important means of evaluating our products are your ears themselves. It was the force behind every step – and always reminded us of our philosophy: Everything is music. And music is everything.

Quality made in germany. All devices are assembled by hand in Germany. All production and rotation work was done by German companies here in Germany.

About us

The heads behind Sperling Audio
Ansgar Sperling
Ansgar Sperling
Owner, Founder
Born 1965, trained radio and television technician followed by a degree in engineering. Since 1990, working as a technician for the radio. Early interest, even before apprenticeship and university, in electronics, especially vacuum tubes. As such, the later choice of apprenticeship was no coincidence, nor the later career with the radio. Experience grew through the construction of numerous studios.
Michael Bönninghoff
Michael Bönninghoff
Michael Bönninghoff, born 1961 and also an engineer. Worked as colleagues building studios. Shared the love and passion for the most true to origin reproduction of music possible and devices with great detail and great processing. In the audiophile scene, his name is already well known: numerous developments in high-quality audiophile devices, such as vacuum tubes and power amplifiers, A/D converters, etc. are credited to him.


Get in touch

We are happy about every positive message!


Dealers and international representations

Medientechnik Sperling, Dipl. Ing. (FH) Ansgar Sperling, Blumenstraße 10, 59514 Welver. Tel. +49 2921 3509390 info@sperling-audio.de


AUDITORIUM HAMM Feidikstr. 93 59065 Hamm Fon +49 (0) 23 81-93 39-0 Fax +49 (0) 23 81-93 39-199


AUDITORIUM MÜNSTER Alter Steinweg 22-24 48143 Münster Fon +49 (0) 251-48 44 55-0 Fax +49 (0) 251-48 44 55-29


AUDITORIUM HAMBURG Showroom in der Speicherwerkstatt St. Annenufer 5 20457 Hamburg Fon +49 (0) 40-74 04 28-55


Bohne Audio GmbH Löherweg 17 51766 Engelskirchen Deutschland Tel: +49 2263 9026755 E-Mail: info@bohne-audio.com


Dirk Voßekaul Mozartstraße 14 41061 Mönchengladbach Mobil: 0171-957 38 69 E-Mail: dirk.vossekaul@icloud.com


Audio-Freak Markus Wierl GmbH Wacholderweg 10 86836 Klosterlechfeld E-Mail: info@audio-freak.de


Ars Antiqua Audio Xubing Zhu Avd Cerro de los Angeles, 16 28026 Madrid Spain info@arsantiquaudio.com

France / Belgium / Monaco

Fusion Acoustic, David Rio, 14 bis rue des Bartoux, 92150 Suresne, France. Phone: +33 681 056 465 info@fusion-acoustic.com www.fusion-acoustic.com

Österreich / Slowenien

audioperfect Mariahilfer Straße 215 1150 Wien www.audioperfect.at technik@audioperfect.at Tel.: +43 676 3741183


Vienna Audiophiles Musikzimmer Thomas Sobottka Greifensteiner Straße 29 Haus 7 A-3423 St. Andrä-Wördern Tel: +43/699/11167228 musikzimmer@kabsi.at www.musik-zimmer.at


Sonare Coeli, Nigel Bousfield, 1170 Oriole Drive, Oconomowoc WI 53066, USA. Phone: (715) 412-4139, sales@sonarecoeli.com


Swedish Statement AV Private Limited AKA FAF-Flying Transportation (S) Pte Ltd No 7, Airline Road #02-10A Cargo Agents Building E Box 898 Changi Airfreight Centre Singapore 918114 Phone: +6565457038 swedishstatement@hotmail.com


Tech Union Incorporation 1F.,No.30/32,Lane 417 Xingshan Rd.,Neihu Dist Taipei City 11469,Taiwan R.O.C Mobile :0989-00980 Phone:02-2791-500 Fax:02-2791-0807 techuniontaiwan@gmail.com


Artelectro, Nahimovsky avenue 24, Moscow, Russia. Phone: + 7 (495) 971 91 28 sergey@artelectro.su


Epiphany Audio contact@epiphany.audio www.epiphany.audio